Friday 28 April 2017

Manchester United reveal tribute to fans electrocuted in Nigeria tragedy

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Manchester United's players will wear black armbands against Swansea on Sunday in memory of the seven fans killed in the Calabar tragedy in Nigeria.

More than 80 football fans were watching the Reds' 2-1 win over Anderlecht in a viewing centre last week when a high-tension electricity cable fell on top of it.
Nigerian police have confirmed that seven people were killed and 10 more were seriously injured following the mass electrocution before half-time.
Initial reports had suggested that 30 fans had died in the centre, which is said to have been constructed mostly with corrugated zinc.

United issued a statement on Twitter in the aftermath of the tragedy last week.
“Our thoughts go out to the United fans, their friends and families affected by the tragedy in Calabar, Nigeria, yesterday," it read.

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